*Italic = in Japanese.
Japanese National Commission for UNESCO
Member list of Japanese MAB Committee (see UNESCO site)
Member list of JCC for MAB
Biosphere Reserves in Japan
Zoning map is shown in each MEXT site. *Italic = in Japanese.
- Mount Hakusan BR; HP, UNESCO(1980; Extension in 2016)
- Mount Odaigahara, Mount Omine and Osugidani BR; HP, UNESCO(1980; Extension & Renaming in 2016)
- Shiga Highland BR; UNESCO MEXT (1980; Extension in 2014) (Ida, Takiguchi)
- Yakushima and Kuchinoerabu-Jima BR; UNESCO(1980; Extension & Renaming in 2016)Articles (Matsuda&, Okano&)
- Aya BR; Brochure UNESCO MEXT (2012)photos
- Minami Alps BR; Brochure UNESCO MEXT (2014)photos
- Tadami BR; Brochure MEXT UNESCO(2014)photos Management Plan
- Sobo, Katamuki and Okue; Brochure MEXT UNESCO(2017) photos
- Minakami ; Brochure MEXT UNESCO (2017)photos
- Kobushi; Brochure MEXT UNESCO (2019) photos
EABRN Biosphere Reserve Atlas Japan(2009)
Coming-Soon Events as of Nov. 2 2020
Recent Topics
- 2 / 29-3 / 1: “2nd Minami Alps BR Fair” is held at AEON MALL Kofu Showa
- 2020: 1 / 31-2 / 1: JBRN Working Group meeting and field trip will be held at Minakami Town Tourist Center
- 11/29: Prof. Masahiko Osawa (Un-nan Univ.), former National MAB Committee member, received the 11th Tokyu Foundation Social Contribution Environmental Science Award.
- 10 / 26-27: The 2nd Shiga Highland BR Fair was held at AEON Town (Koshigaya, Saitama) based on the cooperation agreement between JBRN and the AEON Environmental Foundation.
- 10/7: A designation ceremony for Kobushi BR was held in Kofu City.
- 9 / 16-20: The 9th Meeting of the WNICBR (World Islands Coast BR Network) Conference was held in Gouritz Cluster BR, South Africa. Dr. Toshinori Tanaka was invited to participate (program).
- 9 / 16-19: UNESCO Regional Strategic Coordination Meeting “Science to Enable and Empower Asia Pacific for SDGs II” was held in Jakarta, Indonesia. Yoshihisa Iida participated there as a working member.
- 9 / 15-18: MAB Youth Forum to be held at Changbai Mountain BR in China
- 9/6: “UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Supporting Biocultural Diversity, Sustainability and Society ” (Price M, Reed M (eds) Earthscan) was published and contributed by Hiroyuki Matsuda, Tetsu Sato, and Shinsuke Nakamura as co-authors of a book chapter.
- 7/24: The 7th JBRN General Meeting was held at Otemon Tower, Tokyo. The MAB JCC meeting was held at the same place.
- 2019:6/17-21 MAB ICC was held in Paris. New registration of Kobushi BR was approved. Dr. Aida Mammadova from Kanazawa University received the Young Scientist Award.
- 11/28-29:Dr. Tanaka talked in Vietnam BR network meeting
- 11/15-17 International Forum on Implications of Protected Areas for the Achievement of SDG 15 was held in Korea
- 7/23-27: MAB ICC at Palembang
- 7/2-23: “Cultural Exchange Program for Students From Russian Universities” will be held by Kanazawa University
- 5/29-6/2:EABRN at Almaty
- 5/22-24: SeaBRnet Meeting will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand
- 4/10: Seminar with Prof. Martin Price was held. FB
- 4/4: Prof. Martin Price talked at Nagano City. Reflections on the Japanese and European Alps
- 3/6: MAB National Committee was held and decided to nominate Kobushi BR (Saitama, Tokyo, Yamanashi and Nagano Prefectures)
- 2018/3/2-3:The 6th GPSS-GLI International Symposium was held in University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, which includes special session “Standard Framework for Biosphere Reserve management informed by Sustainability Science”, organized by Dr. Tanaka (JCC)
- 9/18-23: MAB Youth Forum 2017 was held at Delta Po, Italy. Ms. Kana Kondo (Mt. Hakusan BR) participated.
- 9/11-14: EABRN GIS training course was held in Gwangnueng Forest BR, Korea. Dr. Iida (UNU/IAS/OUIK) participated there.
Activities of Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB
- Promote the MAB program in Japan’s contribution to international MAB program by communicating MAB-ICC (International Response)
- Promote the MAB and other UNESCO’s programs in Japan by collaborating with MEXT, MAB National Committee of Japan (a subcommittee of Japanese National Commission for UNESCO),
- Through J-BRnet, support activities of domestic BR designated and candidate sites and encourage their cooperation and interaction.
- Participate in regional seminars and plan MAB workshops in various regions.
- Participate and hold international symposia (example: Oct. 26, 2010 MAB symposium as COP10 side event)
- Issue a journal, “InfoMAB”, twice a year. (Back number is here)
- Issue Annual report in English.
- Others: Develop ESD related projects at Biosphere Reserve sites.
Why is the MAB important in Japan?
UNESCO’s MAB programme has established in 1971 to make balance between use and conservation of natural resources at an international level. UNESCO-World Natural Heritage designates wilderness, whereas the MAB programme designates areas with reconciliation between use and conservation, and the idea meets Japan’s advocating principle, “People living harmony with nature”.
Biosphere Reserve usually has core, buffer and transition zones. This is an idea from experience of the MAB programme to balance between sustainable use and conservation.
New designation of world heritage is becoming strict. The number of designation of BR is steadily increasing in abroad because work of making balance between use and conservation is spreading across the world. MAB has a worldwide network to learn activities in BRs each other. The MAB programme is an excellent arena for Japan to enhance our local activities and international cooperation to promote living harmony with nature. Research experiences and study results acquired through MAB programme must be international fortune. MAB has local, regional and worldwide information network to learn activities of designated sites each other by using BRs (map of world BRs).
In order to approve a new BR site, we need to show both nature value of the site and performances by scientists, citizens and local government because MAB adopts combination of top-down regulations and autonomous management (co-management), whereas the World Heritage conserves nature by legal institutions.
Links last updated on Nov. 3, 2020
- MAB Strategy 2015-2025
- 2nd Draft Lima Action Plan for MAB Programme and WNBR
- UNESCO’s MAB Facebook
- World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNBR)
- East Asian Biosphere Reserve Network (EABRN)
- Southeast Asian Biosphere Reserve Network (SeaBRnet)
- Pacific Man and the Biosphere Network (PacMAB)
- South and Central Asia MAB Network (SACAM)
- World Network of Island and Coastal Biosphere Reserves (WNICBR)
- International Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves (IACBR)
- Videos for BRs, #ProudToShare
- AEON Environmental Foundation Biosphere Reserves’ First Corporate Partnership in Japan
This web site is made by
Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB
Mitoyo Building 2F, 1-16-10 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo,
104-0033, Japan