CBD COP10 Side Event 101026flyerE

UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and Japanese activities

October 26, 2010, 13:15pm – 14:45pm, Shirotori Hall, Bldg 4 Floor 1,
(simultaneous English-Japanese interpretation, food and drinks, and DVD “Diversity matters, together we care, together we sustain” by UNESCO Jakarta provided)
Participation fee: free (COP10 ID is required, see section 4.2.3 of the CBD site)

Organizers:Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan; Japanese National Commission for UNESCO
Co-Organizers (under negotiation): Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB; Japan Council on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD-J); United Nations University Insitute of Advanced Studies; Ministry of Environment, Japan
Collaborators (under negotiation): Forestry Agency, Japan; Ecological Society of Japan; Yokohama National Univeristy

We will discuss MAB activities in Japan and the world including Education for Sustainable development, and the relationship with “sustainable use of ecosystem services”), in collaboration with the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Japanese Ministry of Environment, and United Nations University and Others.


  • Coordinator: Prof. Kunio Suzuki (Yokohama National University/Japanese National Commission for UNESCO)
  • 13:15 Opening Remarks by Nobuo Fujishima Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan
  • 13:20 Ana Persic(UNESCO MAB secretariat) Keynote 2: Biosphere Reserves – The World Network of Learning Sites for Sustainable Development
  • 13:35 Prof. Katsunori Suzuki (Kanazawa Univ.) Keynote 1: Promotion of ESD through MAB programme
  • 13:50 Panel Discussion theme: Perspective of collaboration and development of MAB and ESD in Japan
    Coordinator Hiroyuki Matsuda (Yokohama National Univ.),
    Panelists: Katsunori Suzuki, A. Persic, Prof. Hong (Mokpo Nat’l Univ., Korea), Takako Takano (ECOPLUS), ….
  • 14:40 Closing Remarks by Prof. Kunio Suzuki (Yokohama National University/Japanese National Commiission for UNESCO)

This event is supported by MEXT’s UNESCO Partnership Programs

生物多様性条約第10回締約国会議 サイドイベント


日時場所:2010年10月26日(火)13:15pm – 14:45pm,  白鳥ホール4号館1階
*愛知万博時にUNESCOジャカルタ事務所が作成したDVD「Diversity matters, together we care, together we sustain」(日本語場、英語版)を配布します。

共催:日本MAB計画委員会, 「持続可能な開発のための教育の10年」推進会議(ESD-J)、国連大学高等研究所、環境省(予定)


  • 司会:鈴木邦雄(横浜国立大学/日本ユネスコ国内委員会MAB分科会)
  • 13:15 開会挨拶 藤嶋信夫(文部科学省)
  • 13:20 基調講演(1) アナ・パーシック(ユネスコMAB事務局) 生物圏保存地域-持続的発展を学ぶ場の世界的ネットワーク-
  • 13:35 基調講演(2) 鈴木克徳(金沢大学)MABプログラムを活用したESDの推進
  • 13:50 パネル討論  日本のMAB、ESDの相互連携と発展の展望 司会 松田裕之(日本MAB計画委員会)
    パネリスト アナ・パーシック、鈴木克徳、洪善基(韓国・國立木浦大學校)、高野孝子(エコプラス)
  • 14:40 閉会挨拶 鈴木邦雄(横浜国立大学/日本ユネスコ国内委員会)
